Sunday, February 26, 2012

News From a Local in the Southern Sierra Nevada - F. Scott Krueger Checks In From Columbia

Hey Friends and Family,

Just a quick update for you all. I recently came down from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, snow-capped peaks overlook the Northern Caribbean coastline of Colombia. I had the unique opportunity to hike through the various indigenous tribes and stay with the son of a chief to work and learn about the Haruaco culture. My two friends and I were actually the first people outside of the tribe to have seen what we saw and to have been where we were.

The Kogui and Harauco people are very protective of their cultures and the only way we could pass through the various villages was to give offerings of shells, food and tools (specifically machetes). The societies in the mountains look almost as if they've never been touched by modern (not just Western) hands. 

It is considered one of the most specialized experiences in Colombia and it strongly impacted me.

More details and photos can be seen here on my blog

Other news, my campaign to raise money for camera equipment has been going wonderfully. The funding period will end tomorrow morning (Monday) at 9 AM PST. If you have not donated yet and would like to, please feel free to click here

I am humbled to say that I have already received various requests from other filmers, artists and sound technicians to collaborate with me on the series of films I will be producing here in South America.

Thanks again for your continued love and support,

Frank Scott Krueger {desde Colombia}

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