The Board of Directors of the
Valley Women's Club of San Lorenzo Valley held their first meeting of 2013 this week.
In the recent general election, VWC members elected Rosalind Alley of Brookdale, Amanda Robinson of Felton, Pam Spehar and Sanda Spiegel of Boulder Creek and Thomas Wynn of Ben Lomond for two year terms. Jim Coffis of Ben Lomond, Nancy Gerdt of Felton and Mary Hammer of Boulder Creek were re-elected. The eight joined Sheila DeLany, Dusty Gipson, Nancy Macy and Lynn McKibben of Boulder Creek, Paul Machlis and Michele Moser of Felton and Donna Ziel of Ben Lomond who will complete their terms in 2014.
Board members chose Lynn McKibben to be President, Donna Ziel, Vice President, Jim Coffis, Secretary, Sheila DeLany, Treasurer and Sanda Spiegel, Budget Officer for the new year.
The 35 year old organization was founded in 1978 to promote community action, awareness and leadership in environmental, educational, social, and political concerns affecting the San Lorenzo Valley.
In addition to environmental education and advocacy, the club annually awards scholarships to graduating seniors; provides ready for school materials to kindergartners, supports and promotes equality for women and girls; operates 3
recycling and redemption centers in the Valley and produces the popular
Redwood Mountain Faire, a two-day music, arts and craft fair at Roaring Camp the first weekend in June that last year distributed over $30,000 to local organizations.
Regular Board meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Satellite Center in Felton and are open to the public. The annual membership meeting featuring remarks by local elected officials will be held on Sunday March 24th at the Senior Center in Highlands Park, Ben Lomond.